Iron Core Inductor in Power Circuits Experiment

Iron Core Inductor in Power Circuits Experiment

Understand the critical role of iron core inductors in enhancing power circuit efficiency and performance.


The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the behavior of an iron core inductor in a power circuit and observe its impact on current and voltage.

Components Required


An inductor stores energy in a magnetic field when electrical current passes through it. An iron core increases the inductance, enhancing the magnetic field and resulting in greater energy storage. This experiment will explore the effects of an iron core inductor on current and voltage in an AC power circuit.

Circuit Diagram

Iron Core Inductor Power Circuit Diagram

Experimental Setup

1. Set up the circuit with the iron core inductor, resistor, and AC power supply according to the provided circuit diagram.

2. Connect the multimeter in series to measure the current flowing through the inductor and in parallel to measure the voltage across the inductor.


  1. Assemble the circuit as per the circuit diagram, ensuring all connections are secure.
  2. Set the AC power supply to the desired voltage (e.g., 12V AC).
  3. Turn on the power supply and observe the current reading on the multimeter.
  4. Measure the voltage across the inductor using the multimeter.
  5. If available, connect the oscilloscope to observe the waveform of the current and voltage across the inductor.
  6. Record the readings of current and voltage and note any changes when adjusting the power supply voltage.
  7. Experiment with different resistor values and observe their effects on current and voltage in the circuit.

Results and Observations

Document the voltage and current readings obtained during the experiment. Observe how changing the voltage of the power supply or the resistance affects the current flowing through the inductor.


This experiment illustrates the impact of an iron core inductor on current and voltage in power circuits. The inductor's ability to store energy in its magnetic field and the influence of the iron core on inductance are fundamental principles of electromagnetic theory, which are essential in designing power circuits and understanding their behavior.