Varistor Overvoltage Experiment

Varistor Overvoltage Experiment

Understand the behavior of varistors under overvoltage conditions and their role in circuit protection.


The objective of this experiment is to observe the behavior of a varistor when subjected to overvoltage conditions and to analyze its protective characteristics.



  1. Set up the circuit on a breadboard, connecting the varistor in parallel with the load.
  2. Connect the adjustable power supply to the circuit.
  3. Start with a low voltage and gradually increase the supply voltage while monitoring the multimeter readings.
  4. Record the voltage and current readings at different supply voltages, especially as it approaches the varistor's rated voltage.
  5. If available, use an oscilloscope to observe the waveform across the varistor.
  6. Continue increasing the voltage until the varistor activates or fails.
  7. Ensure safety measures are in place and discontinue the experiment if the varistor shows signs of overheating or damage.


Record your observations and measurements in the table below:

Supply Voltage (V) Voltage Across Varistor (V) Current Through Varistor (A)
5 5 0.01
10 10 0.02
20 0 (varistor activated) 0


The experiment demonstrated that the varistor effectively protects the circuit by clamping the voltage to a safe level when subjected to overvoltage conditions. This characteristic makes varistors valuable components in surge protection applications.