Cypress PSoC 4 Microcontroller

Cypress PSoC 4

Introduction to Cypress PSoC 4

The PSoC 4 (Programmable System-on-Chip) is a powerful and flexible microcontroller family that combines an ARM Cortex-M0 core with programmable analog and digital blocks. Its unique architecture allows developers to design custom peripherals and analog functions on-chip, providing a high level of flexibility for embedded applications.

Core Features of Cypress PSoC 4


PSoC 4 microcontrollers are suitable for a wide range of applications, such as:

Development Tools

Development for the PSoC 4 series is supported by:

Example: LED Blink Program on Cypress PSoC 4



  1. Open PSoC Creator and create a new project.
  2. In the schematic editor, add a Digital Output Pin component and name it LED.
  3. Configure the pin to connect to the onboard LED.
  4. In the main code file, add the following code to toggle the LED:
#include "project.h"

int main(void)
    CyGlobalIntEnable;  // Enable global interrupts
    for (;;)
        LED_Write(~LED_Read());  // Toggle LED state
        CyDelay(500);            // Delay for 500 ms


This C code toggles the state of an LED connected to the digital output pin named LED. The CyDelay() function provides a delay of 500 ms, creating a visible blink pattern.