ATtiny84 Microcontroller



The ATtiny84 is a compact, low-power 8-bit microcontroller from Microchip's AVR family, offering a versatile balance of features for embedded applications where space and efficiency are essential.


Key Features

The ATtiny84 microcontroller includes a wide range of features suitable for embedded development:


The ATtiny84’s combination of features makes it ideal for a variety of low-power and space-efficient applications, such as:

Pinout Details

The ATtiny84 features a well-structured pinout, making it highly versatile for various designs. Below is an overview of its pin functionality:

ATtiny84 Pinout Diagram
Pin Function
1 (PA0)ADC/USART/General Purpose I/O
2 (PA1)ADC/USART/General Purpose I/O
3 (PA2)ADC/SPI/General Purpose I/O
4 (PA3)ADC/SPI/General Purpose I/O
5 (PA4)ADC/I2C/General Purpose I/O
6 (PA5)ADC/I2C/General Purpose I/O
7 (PA6)ADC/General Purpose I/O
8 (PA7)ADC/General Purpose I/O
9 (PB0)General Purpose I/O
10 (PB1)PWM/General Purpose I/O
11 (PB2)PWM/General Purpose I/O
12 (PB3)Reset/General Purpose I/O
13 (GND)Ground
14 (VCC)Power Supply


The ATtiny84 can be programmed using several methods, depending on your project needs:

Popular development platforms include:


  1. Connect the ATtiny84 to a programmer (e.g., USBasp or Arduino as ISP).
  2. Write your code in Arduino IDE or Microchip Studio.
  3. Upload the compiled firmware to the microcontroller.