ATtiny85 Microcontroller


ATtiny85 Microcontroller Overview

The ATtiny85 is a versatile, low-power, 8-bit microcontroller perfect for small embedded systems and DIY electronics projects. Its compact size and robust features make it a favorite among makers and engineers.


Key Features


The ATtiny85 is widely used in small-scale projects where space, power efficiency, and simplicity are crucial. Typical applications include:


The ATtiny85 can be programmed using a variety of methods, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers:


  1. Install the necessary drivers and libraries for the ATtiny85.
  2. Write and compile your code using Arduino IDE or an AVR toolchain.
  3. Connect the ATtiny85 to your programmer (e.g., Arduino as ISP, USBasp).
  4. Upload the firmware to the microcontroller and test your setup.

The ATtiny85 supports ISP (In-System Programming), making it easy to integrate into your projects.