Detect CO2 Levels with MG811 Sensor

Detect CO2 Levels with MG811 Sensor


Learn how to detect CO2 levels using the MG811 sensor with Arduino.

Required Components

Working Principle

The MG811 sensor detects the concentration of CO2 in the air by measuring changes in the sensor's resistance when exposed to CO2 molecules.

Circuit Diagram

MG811 Sensor Circuit Diagram

Arduino Code

 * CO2 Detection using MG811 Sensor
 * This code reads the CO2 level from the MG811 sensor and prints it to the serial monitor.

const int mg811Pin = A0;  // MG811 sensor connected to analog pin A0
int mg811Value = 0;

void setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600);  // Initialize serial communication

void loop() {
    mg811Value = analogRead(mg811Pin);  // Read the sensor value
    Serial.print("CO2 Level: ");

    delay(1000);  // Wait for 1 second before the next reading


The serial monitor will display real-time CO2 levels based on the sensor's output.



The MG811 sensor provides a reliable way to measure CO2 levels, making it a valuable tool for air quality monitoring and safety systems.