This experiment shows how to use a thermopile array to detect heat variations and temperature differences.
Components Needed
- Thermopile Array Sensor
- Arduino
- Jumper Wires
Circuit Setup
- Connect the thermopile sensor's VCC to 3.3V or 5V depending on the model.
- Connect the output to an analog pin (e.g., A0) on the Arduino.
The sensor will measure heat variation, which will be processed by the Arduino.
Code for Heat Detection
Upload the following code to your Arduino to detect heat variations:
const int thermopilePin = A0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(thermopilePin);
The thermopile array detects temperature differences by converting infrared radiation into an electrical signal, which is then read by the Arduino.
- Ensure the sensor is exposed to heat sources or temperature gradients for detection.
- If the readings are incorrect, check wiring and the sensor's calibration.