This experiment shows how to measure the wind direction using an anemometer or wind vane connected to an Arduino.
Components Needed
- Wind Vane (Anemometer)
- Arduino
- Jumper Wires
Circuit Setup
- Connect the wind vane sensor’s output pin to an analog input pin on the Arduino.
- Ensure the power and ground pins are connected properly to the 5V and GND pins of the Arduino.
The wind vane sensor detects the direction of the wind and sends a signal to the Arduino, which processes the data and calculates the wind direction.
Code for Wind Direction Measurement
Upload the following code to your Arduino to measure wind direction:
const int windPin = A0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int windDirection = analogRead(windPin);
Serial.print("Wind Direction: ");
The wind vane sensor detects the angle of the wind, and the Arduino reads the signal to calculate the direction of the wind.
- Ensure that the sensor is placed in a location where wind direction can be clearly detected.
- Check wiring connections if data is not being received by the Arduino.