TB6612FNG Setup and Usage

Master the TB6612FNG motor driver for efficient motor control in your robotics and automation projects.

What Is the TB6612FNG Motor Driver?

The TB6612FNG is a compact and efficient dual-channel motor driver capable of controlling two DC motors or a stepper motor with high precision and low heat generation.

Connecting the TB6612FNG

Arduino Example Code

#define AIN1 9
#define AIN2 8
#define PWMA 10

void setup() {
    pinMode(AIN1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(AIN2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(PWMA, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);
    analogWrite(PWMA, 128);

    digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH);
    analogWrite(PWMA, 128);