Logic Analyzer Setup

Experiment 1: Introduction to Logic Analyzers

Experiment 1: Introduction to Logic Analyzers

Objective: Understand the basic operation and features of logic analyzers for debugging and analyzing digital circuits.


  1. Connect the Logic Analyzer to the Target System:
    • Identify the signal lines or pins to monitor on the digital circuit.
    • Attach the probes of the logic analyzer to the corresponding pins.
    • Ensure a proper ground connection to minimize signal noise or interference.
  2. Configure the Analyzer Software:
    • Open the logic analyzer software on your computer.
    • Set the sampling rate to a value appropriate for your target system (e.g., at least 2x the highest clock frequency).
    • Choose the channels you want to monitor.
  3. Capture and Analyze Signals:
    • Start the capture process and run your target system to generate signals.
    • View the waveform data on the logic analyzer software.
    • Interpret the timing diagrams to identify patterns, errors, or anomalies.

Expected Outcome:

By completing this experiment, you will gain familiarity with setting up a logic analyzer, capturing digital signals, and interpreting timing diagrams to debug and analyze digital circuits effectively.