Logic Analyzer and RS-232 Communication

Experiment 16: Capturing RS-232 Communication

Experiment 16: Capturing RS-232 Communication

Objective: Capture and analyze RS-232 serial communication to understand its data transmission process and debug communication issues.


RS-232 is a standard for serial communication that allows data transfer between two devices. It is commonly used in industrial and embedded systems. The protocol specifies signal voltage levels, baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits for reliable communication.


  1. Set Up the Connection:
    • Identify the TX (transmit) and RX (receive) lines of the RS-232 interface on the devices.
    • Connect the logic analyzer probes to the TX and RX lines. Ensure a proper ground connection between the analyzer and the RS-232 device.
  2. Configure the Analyzer Software:
    • Launch the logic analyzer software on your computer.
    • Set the baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits to match the RS-232 device settings (e.g., 9600 baud, 8-N-1 configuration).
    • Enable RS-232 decoding in the software to interpret captured signals.
  3. Capture and Decode Data:
    • Trigger the RS-232 communication by initiating data transfer between devices.
    • Record the transmitted data using the logic analyzer.
    • Analyze the captured waveform to verify data integrity and troubleshoot errors.

Expected Outcome:

By completing this experiment, you will understand the RS-232 protocol, be able to capture and interpret data frames, and identify potential issues in serial communication.