Experiment 24: Reading Sensor Data (I2C)

Objective: Capture and analyze sensor data communication using the I2C protocol.


The Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) protocol is commonly used for communication between microcontrollers and peripherals like sensors. This experiment focuses on decoding and analyzing I2C transactions to understand how sensor data is transmitted and received.


  1. Setup:
    • Connect the I2C analyzer to the sensor's SDA (data) and SCL (clock) lines.
    • Ensure the microcontroller is programmed to communicate with the sensor using the correct I2C address and settings.
  2. Data Capture:
    • Start the I2C protocol analyzer and configure it to match the sensor's settings (address, clock speed, etc.).
    • Record the communication while the sensor transmits data.
  3. Analysis:
    • Decode the captured I2C packets to identify start and stop conditions, device address, and data bytes.
    • Extract the sensor data values and compare them with expected readings.

Expected Outcome:

Learn how the I2C protocol facilitates communication with sensors, understand its packet structure, and analyze the data received from a sensor.