Experiment 29: Motor Controller Signal Analysis

Objective: Analyze the control signals sent to a motor controller.


Motor controllers are responsible for managing the power and direction of electric motors. The most common control signals include Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for speed control and digital signals for direction control. In this experiment, you will capture and analyze these control signals to ensure they are functioning correctly.


  1. Connect the Signal Analyzer:
    • Connect the signal analyzer or oscilloscope to the motor controller's input and output lines.
    • Ensure that both the PWM signal and direction control signals are correctly identified and monitored.
  2. Observe Control Signals:
    • Monitor the PWM signal's frequency, duty cycle, and amplitude.
    • Observe the direction control signal, checking for correct switching between forward and reverse directions.
  3. Verify Correctness:
    • Compare the observed signals to the expected values for the motor’s intended operation.
    • Check for any anomalies such as incorrect signal timing or missing pulses that could affect motor behavior.

Expected Outcome:

By analyzing the control signals, you will ensure proper signal generation for smooth and reliable motor operation. This is crucial for applications such as robotics, automation, and motorized systems.