Analyzing PWM Signals

Experiment 3: Analyzing PWM Signals

Experiment 3: Analyzing PWM Signals

Objective: Learn how to analyze pulse-width modulation (PWM) signals using a logic analyzer or oscilloscope and understand their characteristics and applications.


  1. Generate or Identify a PWM Signal:
    • If using a microcontroller, configure a PWM output on a specific pin with a known frequency and duty cycle.
    • Alternatively, identify an existing PWM signal in your circuit (e.g., motor controller, LED dimmer).
  2. Measure the Duty Cycle and Frequency:
    • Connect the logic analyzer or oscilloscope probes to the PWM signal line.
    • Set the oscilloscope to display the waveform or configure the logic analyzer software to capture the signal.
    • Measure the duty cycle (percentage of time the signal is HIGH during one period) and the frequency using the device's measurement tools.
    • Verify the measured values against the expected or configured parameters.
  3. Analyze the Signal's Impact on the Connected Load:
    • Observe how variations in the duty cycle affect the behavior of the connected device (e.g., motor speed, LED brightness).
    • Document how the frequency and duty cycle influence system performance or efficiency.

Expected Outcome:

By the end of this experiment, you will understand key PWM characteristics, including duty cycle and frequency, and how these parameters affect connected loads in real-world applications.