SPI Protocol Analysis

Experiment 6: SPI Protocol Analysis

Experiment 6: SPI Protocol Analysis

Objective: Analyze the SPI protocol by observing and decoding signals such as MISO, MOSI, SCK, and CS.


  1. Connect the Logic Analyzer to SPI Lines:
    • Identify the SPI signals:
      • MOSI: Master Out Slave In.
      • MISO: Master In Slave Out.
      • SCK: Serial Clock.
      • CS: Chip Select (also known as Slave Select).
    • Connect the logic analyzer probes to these lines.
    • Ensure proper grounding to avoid noise and ensure accurate signal readings.
  2. Set Up the Decoder Software for SPI:
    • Open the logic analyzer software and select SPI protocol decoding.
    • Configure the settings, such as clock polarity (CPOL), clock phase (CPHA), and bit order (MSB/LSB first), to match the SPI settings of the system under test.
    • Start capturing data from the SPI bus.
  3. Capture and Interpret Data Packets:
    • Observe the captured signals and verify the clock, data, and chip select behavior.
    • Decode the transmitted and received data to ensure it aligns with the expected communication.
    • Check for potential issues, such as incorrect data formatting, timing errors, or misconfigured settings.

Expected Outcome:

By the end of this experiment, you will have a clear understanding of SPI communication, including how data packets are exchanged between master and slave devices. You will also develop skills to capture and analyze SPI signals for debugging and protocol verification.