I²C Communication with AT24C02B EEPROM using Bus Pirate

AT24C02B Chip


AT24C02B Chip AT24C02B Chip


Wiring the AT24C02B to the Bus Pirate

Bus Pirate Pin AT24C02B Pin Function
3.3V or 5V VCC Power supply for the EEPROM
GND GND Ground
MOSI SDA I²C Serial Data
CLK SCL I²C Serial Clock
CS WP Connect to GND (write-protect disabled)
(Optional) A0, A1, A2 Tie to GND for default I²C address (0x50)

Note: Pull-up resistors (typically 4.7kΩ) should be connected to SDA and SCL lines. If your Bus Pirate has pull-ups, enable them via software.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Enter I²C Mode

To enter I²C mode, type the following commands:

HiZ> m      # Enter the mode selection menu
4           # Select I²C
3           # Operate at 100 kHz (Standard mode)

You should see:


2. Enable Pull-Up Resistors

Activate the pull-up resistors with:

I2C> p

3. Scan for I²C Devices

To scan for devices on the I²C bus, use the following command:

I2C> (1)

If the AT24C02B is connected, you should see:

I2C> Devices found: 0x50

4. Write Data to the EEPROM

To write a byte (e.g., 0x42) to address 0x00:

I2C> [0xA0 0x00 0x42]


Wait 5ms to complete the write cycle.

5. Read Data from the EEPROM

To read the byte back from address 0x00:

I2C> [0xA0 0x00]

Then, to read the data:

I2C> [0xA1 r]

You should see:


6. Perform Sequential Reads

To read multiple bytes (e.g., 4 bytes starting at address 0x00):

I2C> [0xA0 0x00] [0xA1 rr rr rr rr]

The "rr" command reads each subsequent byte, separated by repeated start conditions.



Using the Bus Pirate, you can easily interact with the AT24C02B EEPROM to write, read, and test data over I²C. This setup is perfect for debugging and learning I²C communication protocols.

If you need help automating this with scripts or more advanced examples, feel free to ask!