Controlling a Stepper Motor via I2C with the Bus Pirate

This guide covers using the Bus Pirate to control a stepper motor over I2C.

1. Introduction

In this experiment, we’ll control a stepper motor using I2C communication through the Bus Pirate. This setup is ideal for sending movement commands and testing motor response.

2. Required Components

3. Wiring Setup

Connect the Bus Pirate to the stepper motor driver:

Connect the Bus Pirate to your computer via USB and open a terminal software set to 115200 baud.

4. Initializing I2C Mode on the Bus Pirate

Enter I2C mode by typing:

m 4

Once in I2C mode, configure options by following prompts:

5. Identifying the Stepper Motor Driver I2C Address

Before sending commands, find the I2C address of the stepper motor driver:


After running this command, the Bus Pirate should display a list of available I2C addresses, identifying the driver’s address for communication.

6. Sending Movement Commands

Use I2C commands to control the stepper motor. Here are some example commands:

Rotate Stepper Motor

To rotate the motor, send a command to the driver’s I2C address (assuming it’s 0x60):

[0x60 0x01 0x10]

This command example sends 0x10 to initiate movement. Commands vary depending on the driver; consult your driver’s documentation for details.

Change Direction

To change the motor’s direction:

[0x60 0x02 0x01]

This command tells the motor to reverse its rotation direction.

Adjust Speed

To adjust speed, try:

[0x60 0x03 0x05]

Here, 0x05 represents the desired speed level.

7. Observing Motor Response

After each command, observe the motor’s behavior to confirm it’s responding correctly. If not:

8. Troubleshooting Common Issues

9. Conclusion

With the Bus Pirate, you can easily control a stepper motor over I2C, enabling you to test and debug I2C-controlled motor drivers.