This tutorial covers the basics of building a drone controller using a PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control algorithm. PID is crucial for stabilizing the drone and ensuring smooth flight by adjusting the speed of the motors in response to changes in position, orientation, and velocity.
The drone’s flight controller uses sensor inputs from an IMU to determine the drone’s orientation in space. The PID control loop then adjusts the motor speeds to keep the drone stable and at the desired angles or altitude.
The IMU typically provides acceleration and gyroscope data, which are crucial for calculating the drone's current position and orientation. This data is fed into the PID algorithm, which then adjusts motor speed to counteract any deviations from the set points (target angles).
The PID controller uses three components to adjust motor speeds:
The PID equation is: Output = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative
, where Kp, Ki, and Kd are the tuning parameters.
The following is an Arduino-based implementation of the PID algorithm for drone control:
#include#include MPU6050 mpu; float Kp = 1.0, Ki = 0.05, Kd = 0.01; // Tuning parameters float error, integral = 0, previous_error = 0; float setpoint = 0; // Target orientation (e.g., level flight) float output; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Wire.begin(); mpu.initialize(); } void loop() { // Read orientation data from the IMU int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz; mpu.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz); // Calculate error (difference between current and desired orientation) float current_angle = atan2(ay, az) * 180 / PI; // Simplified angle calculation for example purposes error = setpoint - current_angle; // Proportional term float P = Kp * error; // Integral term integral += error * 0.01; // Multiply by loop time (assuming 10ms loop) float I = Ki * integral; // Derivative term float derivative = (error - previous_error) / 0.01; // Assuming 10ms loop float D = Kd * derivative; // PID output output = P + I + D; // Adjust motor speeds (simplified example) adjustMotorSpeeds(output); // Store the error for next iteration previous_error = error; delay(10); } void adjustMotorSpeeds(float correction) { // Increase/decrease motor speeds based on the PID output int motor1Speed = baseSpeed + correction; int motor2Speed = baseSpeed - correction; analogWrite(motor1Pin, motor1Speed); analogWrite(motor2Pin, motor2Speed); }
This code reads data from the MPU6050 IMU to get the drone’s current angle and then applies the PID algorithm to adjust the motor speeds for stabilization.
Proper tuning of the Kp, Ki, and Kd parameters is crucial for stable flight. Here are some tips:
For a more advanced drone, consider adding altitude control using a barometer and GPS for position tracking. You can expand the PID loop to include altitude and yaw control for a fully stabilized drone.
Additionally, software filters like complementary or Kalman filters can help smooth sensor readings from the IMU and improve control precision.