Create a Gesture Controlled Robot

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

This project will guide you through building a gesture-controlled robot using an ESP32 and an MPU6050 sensor.

Components Required

Wiring the Circuit

Follow these steps to connect your components:

Programming the Microcontroller

1. Open the Arduino IDE (or your preferred IDE).

2. Upload the following sample code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <MPU6050.h>

MPU6050 mpu;

// Define motor control pins
const int motorAForward = 25;
const int motorABackward = 26;
const int motorBForward = 27;
const int motorBBackward = 14;

void setup() {

    pinMode(motorAForward, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(motorABackward, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(motorBForward, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(motorBBackward, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz;
    mpu.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);

    // Control robot based on gesture
    if (ay > 2000) {  // Tilt forward
    } else if (ay < -2000) {  // Tilt backward
    } else if (ax > 2000) {  // Tilt right
    } else if (ax < -2000) {  // Tilt left
    } else {


void moveForward() {
    digitalWrite(motorAForward, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorABackward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBForward, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBBackward, LOW);

void moveBackward() {
    digitalWrite(motorAForward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorABackward, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBForward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBBackward, HIGH);

void turnRight() {
    digitalWrite(motorAForward, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorABackward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBForward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBBackward, LOW);

void turnLeft() {
    digitalWrite(motorAForward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorABackward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBForward, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBBackward, LOW);

void stop() {
    digitalWrite(motorAForward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorABackward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBForward, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBBackward, LOW);


Your gesture-controlled robot is now ready! By tilting the MPU6050 sensor, you can control the robot's movement. This project can be further enhanced by integrating additional sensors, such as ultrasonic sensors for obstacle avoidance, or using Bluetooth/Wi-Fi for remote control.