Smart Farming System with IoT


Smart farming systems use IoT technologies to monitor environmental factors such as soil moisture, humidity, and temperature. This system allows farmers to automate irrigation, monitor plant health, and optimize resource use.

Components Required

Implementation Steps

  1. Set Up Microcontroller

    Configure the ESP8266/ESP32 with the necessary libraries in the Arduino IDE to connect sensors and actuators. Ensure Wi-Fi connectivity for IoT integration.

  2. Connect Sensors

    Wire the Soil Moisture sensor and DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor to the microcontroller. The soil moisture sensor will monitor water levels in the soil, and the DHT22 will monitor environmental conditions.

    // Sample Code Snippet
    #define DHTPIN D4
    #define DHTTYPE DHT22
    void setup() {
        WiFi.begin("SSID", "PASSWORD");
    void loop() {
        float temp = dht.readTemperature();
        float humidity = dht.readHumidity();
        // Send data to the cloud...
  3. Control Water Pump via Relay

    Connect the water pump through a relay module to automate irrigation based on soil moisture levels.

  4. Send Data to IoT Platform

    Use platforms such as ThingSpeak or Blynk to visualize real-time sensor data and control irrigation remotely. You can set up data logging and alerts for abnormal environmental conditions.

  5. Monitor and Optimize

    Access the web interface to monitor soil moisture and temperature in real time, and manage irrigation schedules automatically or manually from any remote location.

Features of Smart Farming System