Microcontrollers with RS-485

What is RS-485?

RS-485 (Recommended Standard 485) is a robust and reliable communication protocol widely used in industrial and commercial systems. It supports long-distance and noise-resistant communication in both half-duplex and full-duplex modes.

Key Features of RS-485

Microcontrollers with RS-485 Support

Many microcontrollers integrate RS-485 support or can be interfaced using external transceivers. Popular examples include:

How to Set Up RS-485 Communication

Setting up RS-485 requires proper wiring and termination. Follow these steps:

Basic Steps:

  1. Connect all A (non-inverting) and B (inverting) lines of the devices in parallel.
  2. Use 120Ω termination resistors at both ends of the bus to prevent signal reflections.
  3. Ensure the ground lines of all devices are connected.
  4. Configure the transceivers and microcontrollers for half-duplex or full-duplex communication.
  5. Implement proper addressing if using multiple devices on the same bus.

Example Code: RS-485 Communication

Using Arduino with MAX485 Transceiver

// RS-485 communication example using Arduino and MAX485

#define DE 3    // Driver Enable pin
#define RE 2    // Receiver Enable pin

SoftwareSerial RS485(10, 11); // RX, TX

void setup() {
    pinMode(DE, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(RE, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(DE, LOW); // Disable driver initially
    digitalWrite(RE, LOW); // Enable receiver
    Serial.println("RS-485 Initialized");

void loop() {
    // Transmit Data
    digitalWrite(DE, HIGH); // Enable driver
    digitalWrite(RE, HIGH); // Disable receiver
    RS485.println("Hello RS-485!");
    delay(10); // Allow data to transmit
    digitalWrite(DE, LOW); // Disable driver
    digitalWrite(RE, LOW); // Enable receiver

    // Receive Data
    if (RS485.available()) {
        String receivedData = RS485.readString();
        Serial.print("Received: ");

Troubleshooting RS-485

Common issues and solutions:

Example Projects with RS-485

Project 1: Industrial Sensor Network

Connect multiple sensors to monitor industrial processes over long distances using RS-485.

Project 2: Home Automation System

Implement RS-485 for reliable communication between microcontrollers in a distributed home automation setup.

Further Reading

To explore more about RS-485, consider:


RS-485 is a versatile and robust communication protocol suitable for long-distance, multi-drop, and industrial applications. Its noise resistance and scalability make it a popular choice for modern embedded systems.