Microcontrollers with SPI

What is SPI?

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a high-speed, full-duplex communication protocol used in embedded systems. Developed by Motorola, it is widely used to connect microcontrollers with peripherals such as sensors, memory devices, and displays.

Key Features of SPI

Microcontrollers with Built-in SPI

Most modern microcontrollers support SPI natively. Popular options include:

How to Set Up SPI Communication

To use SPI, connect all devices to the shared lines and assign unique chip select pins for each slave. Below are the steps:

Basic Steps:

  1. Connect the SCLK, MOSI, and MISO lines of all devices.
  2. Connect the CS/SS pin of each slave to a unique GPIO pin on the master.
  3. Configure the master and slave devices for the same clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA).
  4. Initialize SPI in the microcontroller's code.
  5. Activate the slave by pulling its CS/SS pin low during communication.

Example Code: SPI Communication

Using Arduino as SPI Master

// Example SPI communication using Arduino as Master

void setup() {
    SPI.begin(); // Initialize SPI
    Serial.println("SPI Master Initialized");
    pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // CS pin

void loop() {
    digitalWrite(10, LOW); // Activate slave
    SPI.transfer(0x42);    // Send data to slave
    digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // Deactivate slave

Using Arduino as SPI Slave

// Example SPI communication using Arduino as Slave

volatile byte receivedData;

void setup() {
    SPI.begin();           // Initialize SPI
    pinMode(MISO, OUTPUT); // Configure MISO as output
    SPCR |= _BV(SPE);      // Enable SPI in slave mode

ISR(SPI_STC_vect) {
    receivedData = SPDR;   // Read data from SPI data register
    Serial.print("Received: ");
    Serial.println(receivedData, HEX);

void loop() {
    // Main loop remains empty

Troubleshooting SPI

Common issues and their solutions:

Example Projects with SPI

Project 1: SPI SD Card Reader

Use SPI to interface with an SD card module for reading and writing data.

Project 2: TFT Display Control

Use SPI to send graphical data to an SPI-based TFT display module.

Further Reading

For more information about SPI, check out:


SPI is an efficient and high-speed protocol for interfacing microcontrollers with peripherals. Its flexibility and low overhead make it a go-to choice for embedded systems requiring fast communication.