Smart Bicycle with GPS Tracking


This project involves building a smart bicycle equipped with GPS tracking. The bicycle will be able to log its routes, provide real-time location updates, and send alerts in case of theft. This system will be powered by a microcontroller like an ESP32, connected to a GPS module and a GSM module for communication.

Components Required

Circuit Diagram

The circuit connects the GPS module to the ESP32/Arduino, and the GSM module to send location data via SMS or the internet.

Smart Bicycle GPS Circuit

Implementation Steps

  1. Setting Up the GPS Module

    Connect the GPS module to the ESP32 (TX to RX, RX to TX). The GPS module receives signals from satellites and sends location data (latitude, longitude) to the microcontroller.

        # Sample code for receiving GPS data
        # Using TinyGPS++ library for Arduino
        TinyGPSPlus gps;
        void setup() {
          Serial1.begin(9600);  // GPS module baud rate
        void loop() {
          while (Serial1.available() > 0) {
            if (gps.location.isUpdated()) {
              Serial.print("Latitude: "); 
              Serial.println(, 6);
              Serial.print("Longitude: ");
              Serial.println(gps.location.lng(), 6);
  2. Send Data via GSM Module

    Connect the GSM module to the ESP32 to send location data to a mobile device or server. You can use HTTP requests to send data to a web server or SMS for alerts.

        # Example for sending data via SIM800L GSM Module
        void sendLocation(String lat, String lng) {
          Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1");  // Set SMS text mode
          Serial1.println("AT+CMGS=\"+1234567890\"");  // Enter phone number
          Serial1.print("Bicycle location: ");
          Serial1.print("Lat: ");
          Serial1.print(", Lng: ");
          Serial1.write(26);  // Send SMS
  3. Integration with Cloud Server

    For live tracking, the ESP32 can send location data to a cloud server using HTTP requests. The data can then be displayed on a web dashboard or a mobile app.

  4. Optional OLED Display

    You can add an OLED display to show the live location on the bicycle itself.
