Webserver sensordata with esp8266
Send Sensor Data to a Web Server via ESP8266

Send Sensor Data to a Web Server via ESP8266

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

This project demonstrates how to send sensor data to a web server using an ESP8266 and display the data on a web page. It's ideal for IoT projects that require remote monitoring of environmental conditions.

Project Overview

In this project, we will:

  • Use an ESP8266 to read temperature and humidity from a DHT11 sensor.
  • Send the data to a web server using HTTP POST requests.
  • Process the received data on the server using PHP.
  • Display real-time data on a web page using JavaScript and Chart.js.

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Components Required

  • 1 x ESP8266 (ESP-01 or NodeMCU)
  • 1 x DHT11 or DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • 1 x 10kΩ pull-up resistor
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard

Setting Up the ESP8266

Before uploading the code, ensure that your ESP8266 is set up correctly:

  1. Install the ESP8266 Board Manager in Arduino IDE.
  2. Install the required libraries: ESP8266WiFi and DHT.
  3. Check that your ESP8266 firmware is updated.
  4. Configure the Arduino IDE to use the correct board and COM port.

Wiring Diagram

For the DHT Sensor

  • Connect the VCC pin of the DHT sensor to the 3.3V pin on the ESP8266.
  • Connect the GND pin of the DHT sensor to the GND pin on the ESP8266.
  • Connect the DATA pin to GPIO2 (D4 on NodeMCU) on the ESP8266.
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Arduino Code

Below is the optimized Arduino code to send sensor data to the web server:


#define DHTPIN 2  // Pin where the DHT sensor is connected
#define DHTTYPE DHT11  // DHT 11 or DHT22


const char* ssid = "Your_SSID";
const char* password = "Your_PASSWORD";
const char* server = "your_server_ip";

WiFiClient client;

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");
  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi");

void loop() {
  float temp = dht.readTemperature();
  float hum = dht.readHumidity();
  if (isnan(temp) || isnan(hum)) {
    Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");

  if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
    Serial.println("Connected to server");

    StaticJsonDocument<200> jsonDoc;
    jsonDoc["temp"] = temp;
    jsonDoc["hum"] = hum;
    String postData;
    serializeJson(jsonDoc, postData);
    client.println("POST /api/receive-data.php HTTP/1.1");
    client.println("Host: " + String(server));
    client.println("Content-Type: application/json");
    client.print("Content-Length: ");
    Serial.println("Data sent to server: " + postData);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Connection to server failed");


Server-Side Code (PHP)

The following PHP script receives JSON data from the ESP8266 and processes it securely:

header("Content-Type: application/json");

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));

if (!isset($data->temp) || !isset($data->hum)) {
    echo json_encode(["status" => "error", "message" => "Invalid data"]);


if ($temp === false || $hum === false) {
    echo json_encode(["status" => "error", "message" => "Invalid temperature or humidity values"]);

// Log data to a file (Optional)
file_put_contents("sensor_data.log", date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " | Temp: $temp °C | Hum: $hum %\n", FILE_APPEND);

// Return response
echo json_encode(["status" => "success", "temp" => $temp, "hum" => $hum]);

JSON API for Data Handling

Instead of directly printing data, we can store it and serve it as a JSON API.


Data Visualization

We can display real-time temperature and humidity values using JavaScript and Chart.js.

<canvas id="sensorChart"></canvas>


Upload and Test

  1. Upload the Arduino code to your ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE.
  2. Ensure the server-side PHP script is hosted on a web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.).
  3. Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE to check the Wi-Fi connection status and whether the data is being sent.
  4. Access the PHP page on your server to see the temperature and humidity values displayed.

Enhancements & Next Steps

  • Store the sensor data in a database for historical analysis.
  • Implement MQTT to improve real-time communication.
  • Send email or push notifications when temperature exceeds a certain threshold.
  • Integrate with a cloud service like Firebase or AWS IoT.


This project successfully demonstrated how to send sensor data (temperature and humidity) from an ESP8266 to a web server and visualize it in real time. It forms a solid foundation for developing IoT-based remote monitoring solutions.

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