A988 Stepper Motor Driver: Affordable and Efficient Motion Control

A988 Stepper Motor Driver

The A988 Stepper Motor Driver is a popular and affordable choice for controlling stepper motors in robotics, 3D printing, CNC machines, and other projects requiring precision movement. Known for its simplicity and versatility, the A988 provides reliable performance in compact designs.

Key Features of the A988 Stepper Motor Driver

Wiring Example

Follow these steps to wire the A988 Stepper Motor Driver with your stepper motor and microcontroller:

  1. Power Supply: Connect an 8–35V DC power supply to the driver’s VCC and GND pins.
  2. Motor Connections: Attach the stepper motor wires to the A+, A-, B+, and B- pins.
  3. Control Pins: Connect the STEP and DIR pins to your microcontroller for motion control. Use the ENABLE pin to disable the driver when not in use (optional).

Applications of the A988 Stepper Motor Driver

Arduino Integration Example

Components Needed:


Connect the components as follows:


#define STEP_PIN 2
#define DIR_PIN 3
#define ENABLE_PIN 4

void setup() {
  pinMode(STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DIR_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ENABLE_PIN, LOW);  // Enable the driver

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(DIR_PIN, HIGH);  // Set direction
  for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { // Rotate one full stepper revolution
    digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, HIGH);
    delayMicroseconds(800);  // Adjust speed here
    digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, LOW);
  delay(1000);  // Pause
  digitalWrite(DIR_PIN, LOW);  // Reverse direction
  for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
    digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, LOW);
  delay(1000);  // Pause

Advanced Setup

For more complex projects, consider integrating multiple drivers, using microstepping, or adding feedback for closed-loop control.