BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor

BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor Experiment


The BMP180 is a precise barometric pressure sensor that can be easily interfaced with an Arduino. This sensor is useful in weather stations, altimeters, and other environmental monitoring applications. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up and using the BMP180 sensor with Arduino.

Sensor Setup

To get started with the BMP180, you'll need the following components:

Next, connect the sensor to the Arduino as shown in the diagram below:

BMP180 Wiring Diagram


Once the sensor is set up, you can begin coding the Arduino to read pressure data from the BMP180. Below is the sample code to get started:

// Arduino Code for BMP180


Adafruit_BMP085_Unified bmp;

void setup() {
  if (!bmp.begin()) {
    Serial.print("Couldn't find the sensor");
    while (1);

void loop() {
  sensors_event_t event;
  if (event.pressure) {
    Serial.print("Pressure: ");
    Serial.println(" hPa");


The BMP180 sensor can be used for a variety of projects, including:


The BMP180 is an easy-to-use sensor that opens up many possibilities for Arduino-based projects. By following this tutorial, you've learned how to interface with the sensor, write code to read data, and explore some practical applications.


In this experiment, we will use the BMP180 barometric pressure sensor to measure atmospheric pressure and temperature. This sensor is ideal for weather stations and altitude detection applications.

BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor

Components Needed

Circuit Setup

  1. Connect the VCC pin of the BMP180 sensor to the 3.3V pin on the Arduino.
  2. Connect the GND pin of the BMP180 sensor to the GND pin on the Arduino.
  3. Connect the SCL pin to pin A5 on the Arduino.
  4. Connect the SDA pin to pin A4 on the Arduino.

Ensure that the sensor is connected to the correct pins and that the Arduino is powered on.

BMP180 Circuit Setup

Code for BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor

Upload the following code to your Arduino to read the pressure and temperature data:


Adafruit_BMP085_Unified bmp;

void setup() {
  if (!bmp.begin()) {
    Serial.print("Couldn't find the sensor");
    while (1);

void loop() {
  sensors_event_t event;

  if (event.pressure) {
    Serial.print("Pressure: ");
    Serial.println(" hPa");

    float temperature;
    Serial.print("Temperature: ");
    Serial.println(" C");



The BMP180 sensor uses I2C communication to send pressure and temperature data to the Arduino. In this code:
