This experiment demonstrates how to control an 8x8 LED matrix and create simple animations using the Arduino.
Components Needed
- 8x8 LED Matrix
- Arduino (e.g., Uno, Nano)
- Jumper wires
Circuit Setup
- Connect the 8x8 LED matrix to the Arduino using jumper wires, ensuring that the rows and columns are properly connected.
- You may use a shift register or driver IC like the MAX7219 to control the matrix.
Ensure the LED matrix is wired correctly for proper operation.
Code for LED Matrix Animation
Upload the following code to your Arduino to animate the 8x8 LED matrix:
const int dataPin = 3;
const int clockPin = 4;
const int loadPin = 5;
LedControl lc = LedControl(dataPin, clockPin, loadPin, 1);
void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
lc.shutdown(i, false); // Wake up the display
lc.setIntensity(i, 8); // Set brightness level
lc.clearDisplay(i); // Clear display register
void loop() {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
lc.setLed(0, row, col, true); // Turn on a single LED
lc.setLed(0, row, col, false); // Turn off the LED
The code uses the LedControl library to control the LED matrix. The animation is created by turning on and off each LED in a specific order.
- If the LEDs are not lighting up, check the wiring and ensure the correct IC (e.g., MAX7219) is used.
- If the matrix displays incorrectly, check the connections for the rows and columns.