Measure Light Intensity with a Photodiode

Difficulty Level: Intermediate


This project demonstrates how to measure light intensity using a photodiode and Arduino, and display the results in the Serial Monitor. Great for DIY projects and learning electronics.

Components Required with eBay links

Wiring Diagram

Follow these steps to connect the components:

Wiring Diagram for Photodiode

Code Explanation

The Arduino reads the voltage across the resistor, which is directly related to the current through the photodiode. This current varies based on the light intensity, allowing us to measure the light levels.

Key Functions

Arduino Code

Below is the Arduino code to measure light intensity:

void setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600);  // Initialize serial communication

void loop() {
    int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);  // Read the analog value from the photodiode
    float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);  // Convert analog value to voltage
    float lightIntensity = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 100);  // Optional: map to light intensity percentage

    Serial.print("Analog Value: ");
    Serial.print(", Voltage: ");
    Serial.print(" V, Light Intensity: ");
    Serial.println(" %");
    delay(500);  // Wait for 500 milliseconds

Upload and Test

  1. Upload the code to your Arduino using the Arduino IDE.
  2. Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE (set the baud rate to 9600) to see the analog values, voltage, and light intensity displayed.
  3. Change the amount of light reaching the photodiode and observe the changes in the Serial Monitor.


This project demonstrates how to measure light intensity using a photodiode and Arduino. The light intensity readings can be further processed or displayed on an external screen for various applications like automatic lighting systems or light-sensitive devices.